Health & Wellness

Monaco Resident Supermodel Turns Role Model To Encourage Heathy Living

Luiz F. Costa Macambira
Founder, Publisher, CEO and Executive Editor
Monaco Resident SuperModel Turns Role Model To Encourage Heathy Living

If the American nutritionist Victor Lindlahr had been looking for a blueprint to define his theory that 'you are what you eat', he might very well have conjured up an image of Maren Tschinkel. For although the German supermodel was born some 58 years after Lindlahr's book by the same title was published, she is the very embodiment of the now famous adage. 

Tall, slim, and blonde, Maren looks the epitome of health as she stares out from the magazine covers on which she features. Since being crowned Miss Germany in 2018, Maren, 24, has hardly been off the front pages of the world's most famous fashion titles. 

But she is quick to point out that she works hard to look as good as she does, following a strict routine of eating healthily, exercising daily, and staying off the booze and cigarettes. 

Maren is now using her personal experience to encourage others to follow a healthier lifestyle. 

"One of the most important things to know about health and fitness is that we are all individuals," Maren, a former personal trainer, says. "There is no sense of following diets and starving yourself without knowing what's best for your own body. Our body will always tell us what it needs and what isn't good for us."

This is never more acute, she says, than when you feel hungover after a heavy night out. "That's when our body is clearly communicating with us to tell that alcohol is toxic and not good for our system. But think how amazing we feel after a long walk in the fresh air or after a workout in the gym.

"Our body is constantly communicating with us even after food. While we feel great after having a light salad, we might not feel so good after a big meal of fast food.

"It is also important to listen to your body when you feel hungry. You might be lacking proteins and you automatically will be wanting a steak or fish. In those situations, it's important to get the right food to your body as your body will tell you what you need."

Eating healthily has been a way of life for Maren since she was a young child growing up in Ravensburg with her parents, and she has become an expert in knowing just what her body needs to keep fit and look good. 

"It is very important to understand your individual body. For my body, healthy carbs are very good and give me the right energy I need for my workouts, but I must stay away from fats because I can't digest them very well."  Whilst you are what you eat, you are also the product of the lifestyle you choose to lead. An advocate of routine for both body and mind, Maren says: "It's important to have a routine for your body which includes fitness and food, as well as a routine for your mind which includes taking time for yourself and doing things that make you happy."

Luiz F. Costa Macambira
Founder, Publisher, CEO and Executive Editor
Luiz F Costa Macambira is the Founder, CEO, and Executive Editor of The Monegasque™. A long-time resident of Monaco, he specializes in writing about "all things Monte Carlo." Previously, Luiz served as the CEO, publisher, and executive editor of Forbes magazine (Monaco and Netherlands editions). For more of his insights, you can follow him on Instagram at @lcostamac.

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