Lily Safra

Lily Safra
  • Brazil-born, Monaco-based billionaire Lily Safra inherited most of her fortune from her fourth husband, the late Edmond J. Safra, a banker.
  • Edmond's 1999 death in a fire at his Monaco penthouse made global headlines and prompted conspiracy theories despite his nurse's admission of guilt.
  • Edmond left most of his fortune to the Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation, but he also left Lily enough assets to make her a billionaire.
  • Lily's fortune also stems from a stake in Brazilian appliance giant Ponto Frio, inherited after second husband Alfredo Monteverde's 1969 suicide.
  • She sold the stake in 2009 for $340 million to Brazilian retailer Grupo Pao de Acucar, resulting in a 2015 lawsuit she ultimately won.

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