Dmitry Rybolovlev

Dmitry Rybolovlev

Rybolovlev's fortune comes from Uralkali, Russia's largest producer of potassium fertilizers. He sold his stake for $6.5 billion in 2010.
In October 2018, Rybolovlev sued Sotheby's; he is demanding $380 million in compensation for fraud assistance from swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier. In November 2018, the Monaco police detained Rybolovlev for two days, questioning him in the case against his former art dealer Yves Bouvier. After a nasty years-long divorce battle, Rybolovlev was ordered to pay his ex-wife $605 million. In Oct. 2015 they reached an undisclosed settlement. Rybolovlev apparently paid more than $300 million for La Belle Epoque, a Monaco penthouse where he lives. He also owns Greek Island Scorpios.  Rybolovlev went into business with his scientist father in 1990 after studying medicine at Russia's Perm Medical Institute.

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