Talk Of The Rock

Charity And Chocolate

Historic Grand Prix Race Cars Like You’ve Never Tasted Before.

Helga Piaget
Senior Editor
Charity and Chocolate

EARLIER THIS YEAR I was informed by journalist and Monaco International Hub president, Maria Bologna, that my association Passion Sea was chosen to be part of a charity auction at the first edition of her Chokolashow. As she explained, Passion Sea was one of eight Monaco non-profits that would receive donations from the event.

Her project was so original it left me speechless. She teamed up with Riccardo De Caria and Monaco’s master ice cream maker, Claudio Rossi, to create Chokolashow, which involved seven art students from the Pavillon Bosio school in Monaco and Academia Fine Arts in Sanremo. On May 2, each of them was given a 12 kg block of dark chocolate and assigned a car that was competing during the 14th Historic Monaco Grand Prix the following week. In seven days, they had to carve the slab of chocolate into a model of the car. On May 9, in the Riva Tunnel, and surrounded by spectacular motorboats, the sculptures were unveiled to the public, who were treated to ice cream, brownies, and all kinds of delicacies. Prince Albert made a surprise visit with his children, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, who greeted all the associations and artists still working on their sculptures.

The standout moment of the day was surely when Prince Albert and the twins signed a chocolate ingot that was auctioned later with the seven chocolate cars. Another highlight was the artist Carolina Bergonzi, who created a chocolate painting that would later be donated to Lia Riva to announce the next edition of Chokolashow in 2025, dedicated to the world of boating. Student Valentina Trassy won the Chokolashow trophy, which was created by artist Belina Bussotti. The evening ended with the auction by Wannenes Art Auctions, which raised €5,000 for Passion Sea, Les Enfants de Frankie, Action Innocence Monaco, Fight Aids Monaco, Aide et Présence, AMAPEI, l'Association de Bienfaisance Eugenio Benedetti Gaglio, and the Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA Monaco).

And now some works are camping in offices at the Unité de Psychiatrie et de Psychologie Médicale in Monaco. Soon, all the small little chocolate cars will run in Monaco boutiques until the next Chokolashow. It seems that Maria and MIH’s team are already creating the next sensation. To their greatest joy, the signed chocolate ingot, auctioned by a friend, was offered back to the Chokolashow. This unique piece will now be the “signature piece” of all future shows. Isn’t this wonderful and delicious!

Helga Piaget
Senior Editor
Helga Piaget, the environment editor and also a senior contributing writer for The Monegasque™ , was born in Bavaria, Germany, and studied economics and art history at the University of Munich. In 1991, she married Yves Piaget and was honored to become a Monegasque citizen by the grace of HSH Prince Rainier III. Residing between Monaco and Florida, Helga is passionate about the sea and founded the nonprofit organization PASSION SEA in 2014 to promote ocean preservation through art and education. In 2018, she authored WATER IS LIFE, THOUGHTS OF OUR GENERATION.

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