
The Original

Luiz F. Costa Macambira
Founder, Publisher, CEO and Executive Editor
The Original

IN A WORLD that has seen rapid transformations in the last few years, from pandemics to conflicts causing vast worldwide migrations, it is remarkable how the human spirit finds solace in creativity. A year ago, the concept of this magazine was non-existent. Today it is a period of reflection, of revisiting old memories, rekindling relationships and rediscovering passions long forgotten.

The inception of The Monegasque™ came during my final days as the publisher and CEO of Forbes Monaco, when a realization dawned upon me: Monaco—with its rich tapestry of culture, social vibrancy and unique diversions—resembles a very exclusive club. Yet, there was an evident void, a missing platform for the sophisticated, well-educated and affluent elite of our nation to converge. The Monegasque™, as the name suggests, was born to fill that void.

Over time, the magazine's vision crystallized. Our aim? To foster a dialogue from within that intertwines our refined society with the realms of art, design, technology and the quintessential art of living in this picturesque corner of the globe.

We are not just a publication; and for sure not another luxury magazine. We are a collaborative arena. We have carved out a space where gifted artists, illustrators and writers can express their ideas, share insights, and grow collectively. Our coverage spans the myriad events and developments within the Principality.

Today, as we unveil our inaugural edition, readers will be treated to a rich mosaic of articles. Our diverse and illustrious team of contributors and illustrators delve into a plethora of subjects, from the nuances of art and oenology to the subtleties of lifestyle and the discernment of taste, all while spotlighting some of Monaco's most influential denizens.

This is only the beginning. The journey thus far has been exhilarating, and the credit goes to our dedicated team, and to our Editor-in-Chief Nancy Heslin with whom I have the immense pleasure to cultivate a six-year partnership.

The anticipation of sharing our curated content today and the prospects of what lies ahead in the coming months is truly exhilarating.

In these challenging times, The Monegasque™ will serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for our residents.

Luiz F. Costa Macambira
Founder, Publisher, CEO and Executive Editor
Luiz F Costa Macambira is the Founder, CEO, and Executive Editor of The Monegasque™. A long-time resident of Monaco, he specializes in writing about "all things Monte Carlo." Previously, Luiz served as the CEO, publisher, and executive editor of Forbes magazine (Monaco and Netherlands editions). For more of his insights, you can follow him on Instagram at @lcostamac.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Monegasque™.

Disclosure: The Monegasque™ enhances the editing process with the help of carefully selected AI tools. These tools provide valuable support without taking over the editing process completely, ensuring that the final product is the result of human creativity and expertise augmented by the benefits of enhanced technology. This article is protected under the copyright of The Monegasque™. Unauthorized reprinting, republishing, or rewriting of this content is strictly prohibited without explicit permission from The Monegasque™. Quotations from this material are permissible provided that a direct link to the full article on The Monegasque™ is included.